Susan Garrington


(posted on 17 Feb 2025)


Happy Family Day.

Just when I think that I have had more than enough winter, Mother Nature gives us a morning like this! Blue sky, a world filled with sunshine and sparkling snow patterned with blue and violet and green shadows, flocks of songbirds and rabbit tracks throughout the garden and even on our front porch.



On this family day I am currently listening to the late Stuart McLean’s Vinyl Cafe and drinking tea while I write. In these disturbing times I have returned to McLean’s stories about Dave, his family, neighbours and friends. McLean’s voice is comforting as are his descriptions of the world Dave inhabits; there is something so very Canadian in the good natured humour relating the foibles of all its inhabitants and as their faults and mistakes are revealed, they are forgiven and ultimately celebrated. McLean made an art form out of laughing at ourselves, a truly Canadian trait.

Here in London two of the art groups to which I belong are busy preparing for our Spring Shows. As well, the artists involved in this year’s London Studio Tour are getting ready. I am happily very busy.

Work For Upcoming Shows


Before I end this newsletter, I have two reminders. The first is that I am presenting a workshop at Westland Gallery in March. The focus is creating the appearance of texture in a watercolour painting. There are some places left so if you are interested contact Westland’s Gallery at 519-601-4420.

The second is to remind you about the Ontario Society of Artists’ Exhibition at St. Thomas Elgin Public Art Centre which starts this Friday and runs until April 5. The Artists’ Reception is on April 5th.

I hope that you and your family enjoy today even with all the snow. We don’t have tropical beaches and weather but we do have sunshine and most importantly, each other. As I overheard the other day, “We can’t have everything. Where would we put it?”

All the best to you and yours.
