Susan Garrington


(posted on 16 Mar 2025)


I began thinking about this newsletter yesterday morning while marvelling at the morning’s marmalade sky which was soon followed by the comforting sound of rain falling on the roof and skylights of our family room. It was a truly wonder filled morning.

The weather this week past has been a sun filled delight and such a well deserved treat for the kids and teachers on March Break. The weather has been working its magic on our garden too. As I walked through our garden surrounded by snowdrops the air was filled with birdsong and sunlight and I felt quite giddy. Daffodils poked up here and there (more about daffodils later) and in my head I made lists of plants and other supplies to be purchased later. Skunks and raccoons are reappearing in the neighbourhood and pairs of squirrels and chipmunks play catch me catch me. The pair of cardinals exhibit mating behaviors, gallantly watching each other’s backs at the feeder and feeding each other too. Our houseplants, which until recently had looked very sad, are now thriving in response to the fabulous Spring light.

So, the Ides of March bring to mind the Romans, which reminds me of something I read recently. Daffodils, my Dad’s favourite flower, were introduced to the U.K. from the Iberian Peninsula. They used to plant them in memory of those who had fallen. 

The Ides of March also recall a skit by Wayne and Shuster, called Rinse the Blood Off My Toga. Do any of you remember, “ I told him Julie don’t go! Julie don’t go!”

Keeping with the Nature theme for a bit longer, did any of you watch the lunar eclipse? Brian and I stayed up to watch and were not disappointed. Rather than attempting to take phone photos we just silently watched as it happened. You can certainly understand how eclipses, both lunar and solar, were a source of mythology throughout the world’s history. There is something very primal and moving about them. The red moon is a memory I will hold on to for some time.


Working and playing in my studio has been my salvation during these difficult and occasionally frightening times.

I have been preparing materials for the Westland Gallery workshops. 

I continue to play with painting watercolours on gessoed and watercolour grounded panels. Some of these will be for sale at the Brush and Palette Show.

I am working on a watercolour painting of a deer at rest (Thank you, Peggy).


I am preparing for a watercolour painting demonstration I will be giving at Paint Ontario on May 14th from Noon to 4.

Last, but certainly not least, I am getting things ready from The London Artists’ Studio Tour. Brochures will be available at Museum London, both Tourism London locations, and numerous other spots around the city. For more information go to http//


Brush and Palette Club Show

Lambeth Art Association Show

Ontario Society of Artists, Western Hub, St Thomas Elgin Public Art Centre

 Feb 22 to April 5, Closing Reception April 5, 1pm to 3pm

Thank you for taking the time to read this. As always I look forward to hearing from you. Take care and enjoy the Spring wonders.

Gratefully Yours,





(posted on 17 Feb 2025)


Happy Family Day.

Just when I think that I have had more than enough winter, Mother Nature gives us a morning like this! Blue sky, a world filled with sunshine and sparkling snow patterned with blue and violet and green shadows, flocks of songbirds and rabbit tracks throughout the garden and even on our front porch.



On this family day I am currently listening to the late Stuart McLean’s Vinyl Cafe and drinking tea while I write. In these disturbing times I have returned to McLean’s stories about Dave, his family, neighbours and friends. McLean’s voice is comforting as are his descriptions of the world Dave inhabits; there is something so very Canadian in the good natured humour relating the foibles of all its inhabitants and as their faults and mistakes are revealed, they are forgiven and ultimately celebrated. McLean made an art form out of laughing at ourselves, a truly Canadian trait.

Here in London two of the art groups to which I belong are busy preparing for our Spring Shows. As well, the artists involved in this year’s London Studio Tour are getting ready. I am happily very busy.

Work For Upcoming Shows


Before I end this newsletter, I have two reminders. The first is that I am presenting a workshop at Westland Gallery in March. The focus is creating the appearance of texture in a watercolour painting. There are some places left so if you are interested contact Westland’s Gallery at 519-601-4420.

The second is to remind you about the Ontario Society of Artists’ Exhibition at St. Thomas Elgin Public Art Centre which starts this Friday and runs until April 5. The Artists’ Reception is on April 5th.

I hope that you and your family enjoy today even with all the snow. We don’t have tropical beaches and weather but we do have sunshine and most importantly, each other. As I overheard the other day, “We can’t have everything. Where would we put it?”

All the best to you and yours.



(posted on 18 Jan 2025)

Belated Happy New Year! I hope that your Christmas lived up to your dreams. We enjoyed our holiday very much, as this year Cathy was not working and Daniel was home from university so we were all together at Christmas.

I came across this quote a few days ago, “Anyone who thinks that gardening begins in the Spring and ends in the Autumn is missing the best part of the whole year; for gardening begins in January with the dream.” So many good things begin with a dream. Our dreams serve as inspirations. They give us hope. Even in the darkest times they remind us of who we are. As the snow swirls around outside on this cold and somewhat dreary Saturday, I dream of sunny days spent in our garden or in fields of wildflowers and in turn dream of the paintings I will make of them here in my studio. I have to agree. The dream is the best part of both gardening and art making. Do you agree?




 As some of you may know. I am an elected member of the Ontario Society Of Artists. This Non Profit organization was founded in 1872 and is Canada’s longest continuing art society.

The OSA Western Hub is exhibiting at St. Thomas Elgin Art Centre from February 22 to April 5 with an Artists’ Reception taking place on April 5th. I will have two paintings in this exhibition. I hope to see many of you there. It is a wonderful opportunity to see fabulous art from across this part of our province.



1. Workshop: Westland Art Gallery: Creating Texture in watercolour; March 4, 11 18, 25

2. London Artists’ Studio Tour Preview Exhibition: TAP March 3 to 8, Opening March 4, 5 to 8pm

3. Brush and Palette Club Annual Show and Sale: April 10, 11 12

4. London Artists’ Studio Tour: April 25, 26, 27

5. Lambeth Art Association Show and Sale: May 1,2,3

6. Demonstration and Art Chat, Paint Ontario, May 14th

More information concerning these shows and events will follow in upcoming newsletters. I am providing the dates so you can mark your calendars.

Thank you so much for your ongoing interest and support. Many of you subscribed to my newsletter when you visited my studio during one of theLondon Artists’ Studio Tours. I am one of the artists on the tour again this year so I hope you will visit. I have lots of paintings for you to see with many brand new ones.

Take care. Dream, hope and create. 








(posted on 19 Dec 2024)

Merry Christmas and all the best to you in the New Year!

Thank you for your support and interest over the years.


(posted on 15 Nov 2024)

The July flood of my studio, for all of the work, disruption and stress it caused us, has had the unexpected result of forcing me to take stock, to get rid of things I no longer use or value, to repurpose what I can and to clean and reorganize. My studio is now a wonderful place in which to create. I am very grateful. I am a participating artist in the London Artists’ Studio Tour 2025 so you may wish to see it for yourself.



November’s dark mornings and early evenings lend themselves to thinking, planning and reminiscing. I plan fall menus while cocooning under snuggly blankets and think about how the fallen leaves look like crumble toppings of oats and brown sugar and cinnamon. Fall has always been my favourite season. As John Burroughs said, “How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and colour are their last days.” Light and colour. Growing old beautifully. Goals to reach for.

Light and colour are both to be had if you visit the following:

The Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour Open Water 99 Exhibition where you will find the 40 selected paintings chosen by the jurors from 242 submissions from 9 countries. I am honoured to have had my painting selected. This is the fifth consecutive Open Water in which I have been selected to exhibit.

          Poppies In Birr , my entry


Christmas In Bayfield Nov.15to 17

Main Street Gallery has an amazing variety of art, some of which I am delighted to tell you, is mine! The Gallery will pay the tax on your purchases over $50 for this event.

Main Street Gallery, Bayfield


As always, thank you for your interest in my work and for your support. Enjoy the remaining soft quiet days befor the intensity of the Christmas season arrives.

Take care and happy creating.



(posted on 26 Sep 2024)

(posted on 15 Sep 2024)

I must be having fun, as the saying goes, because time has certainly been flying!

It’s hard to believe that it’s half way through September already. 

First of all let me thank all of you who travelled to Sparta to see my work at Gathered Gallery. It was fun chatting with you.

Autumn is my favourite season as I have likely shared several times before. Even though the days are still quite warm the fragrance of autumn is in the air of our garden in the mornings. It is accompanied by the perfume of the Sweet Autumn Clematis which has done very well this year.


It is time once again to take cuttings, let the amaryllis bulbs go dormant, plant bulbs and collect seed. Lots of opportunities for ther coming year. Hope springs eternal at this time of year as I prepare for next year’s garden.

This season also brings many opportunities in the art world.

The Woodstock Art Gallery’s Visual Elements 66 is on until September 21st. Brian and I enjoyed seeing the terrific art in this exhibition and also enjoyed chatting with Danielle Hoevenaars, who you may know from Westland Gallery, and who is now the Head of Collections at Woodstock Art Gallery.

My painting on the right, beside Kim Harrison’s work.

On Sunday September 22, the first Annual Main Street Arts Festival is taking place in Bayfield. Many wonderful events and activities are planned as well as several galleries to visit. At this time of year it is a beautiful drive to Bayfield from London.

I will be teaching art classes at Westland Gallery on Tuesday evenings in October. The classes are designed for those with some experience painting in watercolour and will not be suitable for beginners.

Sadly there has been virtually no progress on the restoration of my studio after the flood.  

Take care. Enjoy this fabulous season. Thanks for your ongoing interest and support.


(posted on 2 Aug 2024)

Hello to all of you. It’s been a while. Because it is summer and I have been swamped with a variety of things, July and August’s newsletters are arriving in your mailbox as one.

I have lots of news to share, most of it of the good variety.

First, however, the bad news.

Many of you have already heard me moaning about the recent flood in my art studio in our basement. Fortunately most of my art escaped unscathed as did my art supplies including 20 sheets of watercolour paper recently purchased. With the help of our grandson we lugged paintings and art supplies upstairs to our living and dining rooms which have become storage areas. We are impatiently waiting for work to begin.

Now the good news.

I have been invited to be the visiting guest artist for the month of August at Gathered, a lovely Art Gallery in Sparta. The Artist’s Reception will take place on August 10th from 1 until 5. I hope to see many of you there. I have a variety of sizes and price points available as well as some art notecards.There will be brand new work along with work made over the last few years.

I have had a painting juried into the Woodstock Art Gallery’s Visual Elements 66 which runs until September 21. The Juror’s Walk will take place on September 7th from 1 to 3. I hope you are able to visit the exhibition and perhaps attend the Juror’s Walk.

Again this summer several of my paintings can be found at Main Street Gallery in Bayfield, a wonderful place to take a day trip and to enjoy the galleries, restaurants and shops.

This month I will be participating in Beyond The Boards, Field Study to Fine Art, an event hosted by St. Thomas Elgin Public Art Centre. Artists will spend a day sketching, taking field notes and painting on location. Later they will complete studio work to be exhibited a at STEPAC from April 12th to June7, 2025. I am very excited by this event which has been inspired by the work of Clark McDougall, a Canadian painter.

I have been invited to conduct a four week workshop at Westland Gallery. The workshop is intended for those with experience working in watercolour and will consist of methods to develop, refine and enhance your personal style. It will take place in October on four consecutive Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8:30. Watch for the announcement from Westland Gallery.

Westland Gallery

On the horizon are several shows and exciting events that I am currently preparing for which I will tell you more about in upcoming newsletters.

Finally, a huge thank you to all of you for your ongoing interest and support and a special thanks to those who keep in touch and reply to these newsletters.Take care and enjoy the last month of summer.

Lang may your lum reek.




(posted on 22 Jun 2024)

I hope you have been enjoying Spring and early Summer. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. I have spent many glorious hours in my garden and at local garden centres dreaming and planting and following the Matheson motto, Fac et Spera, Do and Hope.

Paint Ontario was a great success in their new location. I hope you had the opportunity to see this exhibition. Opening night was a delightful time to catch up with friends and to see some fabulous art. I am happy to tell you that my painting, Vacant Lot, which I shared in my last newsletter, sold. 

The local art club shows were also great fun and a chance to visit with friends.

In my last newsletter I mentioned the Annual General Meeting of the CSPWC at the Arts and Letters Club in Toronto and which I attended by Zoom. The speaker, Dr. Catherine Martin, who spoke about Franklin Carmichael ( my favourite Group of Seven artist ), was informative and entertaining.

As with gardening, in the world of Art, it is also a case of Do and Hope at this time of the year. I have been in a whirlwind of activity preparing for upcoming events, taking part in local paint outs and preparing submissions and attending meetings.

Here is what I have been up to when not in my garden or local garden centres:

I have been invited to serve as a Director on the Executive of the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour. I am honoured.

I am excited to share with you that my submission to Visual Elements, a juried exhibition at Woodstock Art Gallery, was accepted by jurors Terry Graff, Darren Douglas and Lindsay Liboiron. The exhibition takes place from July 13th to September 21 at the Woodstock Art Gallery.

I have been invited to take part again this year in the Live Painting Event, sponsored by Westland Gallery, on Saturday June 29th from 10am to 4pm. Here is a small sample of paintings I have done over the years of homes and buildings in Wortley Village. For several years a friend and I went weekly to the village and sketched together.

I will be in attendance at the local Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour Watercolour Day on July 4th from 11am to 2pm at the Ingersoll Creatve Arts Centre. There will be painters both inside and on the grounds. Bring your sketchbook or paints and join us or just come and watch painters doing what they love. Learn about becoming an Associate Member and how to apply for full membership in our organization. Bring a lunch and have a picnic! All are welcome. The CSPWC is holding similar events across Canada.

I am still preparing for my “invited featured artist” exhibition  at Gathered Art Gallery in Sparta during the month of August. I am looking forward to this show. Both the Gallery and the village of Sparta located in the heart of Elgin County are welcoming and a visual treat. “ As you step inside, you’ll be surrounded by a treasure trove of unusual and intriguing items and a rotating selection of works by local artists.”

Finally, I will be part of  a plein air event which precedes a juried exhibition at St. Thomas Elgin Public Art Centre, “Between the Boards”, Field Study to Fine Art. The plein air event will take place August 10, 2024. I will share more information in a later newsletter. The exhibition takes place April 12 to June 7, 2025.

As always, thank you for your ongoing support and interest in me and my work. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please know that I look forward to reading your responses to my newsletter. 



(posted on 13 Apr 2024)

The title of this month’s newsletter is taken from Gordon Lightfoot’s, “Pussywillows Cat-Tails”. Spring’s promise in the garden is everywhere. I walk through our garden welcoming back old friends, perennials who have made it through another winter season, and saying hello to new ones, the bulbs planted with hope last fall who are blooming or are about to soon. I am greeted each morning by two new garden visitors, a pair of crows who holler good morning at me as soon as I come out the door. I reply by cawing back and they answer. I am sure the neighbours believe that I have taken leave of my senses. It is easy to become giddy with hope and pleasure this time of year in the garden. There is so much to look forward to.

Similarly, there is much to look forward to in the world of Art.

I was delighted to be invited to speak to the Port Stanley Artists’ Guild a few days ago. What a wonderful group! Their annual show takes place at the Port Stanley Royal Canadian Legion, 310 George Street on June 6, 7 and 8. A great reason for a lovely drive and perhaps a walk on the beach or lunch or dinner after the show.

I will be attending the Annual General meeting of the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour soon. It takes place in the Arts and Letters Club in Toronto. This year I will be attending electronically. Zoom is such an amazing thing. The guest speaker will be Dr. Catherine M. Martin who will be speaking about Franklin Carmichael and his CSPWC Presidency.

In two days I will be delivering three of my paintings to Grand Bend. They were juried into the Paint Ontario Exhibition. I am honoured to have all three of my submissions juried into the show and very excited to be a part of it. Here is one of the paintings. To see the other two, you will need to go to the show!




Locally, the Brush and Palette Show will take place April 18, 19 and 20. I have 6 pieces in this show.


The Lambeth Art Association Show is in the near future as well. More about that in my next newsletter.

The Gallery Painting Group’s meeting is also coming up soon and I look forward to seeing everyone and learning about this year’s locations.

And last of all, I have been invited to exhibit as the featured artist at the gallery, Gathered, in Sparta during the month of August. I am so very excited and will let you know more as the date approaches.

Thank you for taking the time to read my newsletter. As always I look forward to hearing from you and perhaps seeing you at one of the upcoming shows. Take care and enjoy the promise of Spring.

I am heading off to enjoy the sunshine, our garden and a hot cup of tea.


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