Susan Garrington


(posted on 22 Jun 2024)

I hope you have been enjoying Spring and early Summer. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. I have spent many glorious hours in my garden and at local garden centres dreaming and planting and following the Matheson motto, Fac et Spera, Do and Hope.

Paint Ontario was a great success in their new location. I hope you had the opportunity to see this exhibition. Opening night was a delightful time to catch up with friends and to see some fabulous art. I am happy to tell you that my painting, Vacant Lot, which I shared in my last newsletter, sold. 

The local art club shows were also great fun and a chance to visit with friends.

In my last newsletter I mentioned the Annual General Meeting of the CSPWC at the Arts and Letters Club in Toronto and which I attended by Zoom. The speaker, Dr. Catherine Martin, who spoke about Franklin Carmichael ( my favourite Group of Seven artist ), was informative and entertaining.

As with gardening, in the world of Art, it is also a case of Do and Hope at this time of the year. I have been in a whirlwind of activity preparing for upcoming events, taking part in local paint outs and preparing submissions and attending meetings.

Here is what I have been up to when not in my garden or local garden centres:

I have been invited to serve as a Director on the Executive of the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour. I am honoured.

I am excited to share with you that my submission to Visual Elements, a juried exhibition at Woodstock Art Gallery, was accepted by jurors Terry Graff, Darren Douglas and Lindsay Liboiron. The exhibition takes place from July 13th to September 21 at the Woodstock Art Gallery.

I have been invited to take part again this year in the Live Painting Event, sponsored by Westland Gallery, on Saturday June 29th from 10am to 4pm. Here is a small sample of paintings I have done over the years of homes and buildings in Wortley Village. For several years a friend and I went weekly to the village and sketched together.

I will be in attendance at the local Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour Watercolour Day on July 4th from 11am to 2pm at the Ingersoll Creatve Arts Centre. There will be painters both inside and on the grounds. Bring your sketchbook or paints and join us or just come and watch painters doing what they love. Learn about becoming an Associate Member and how to apply for full membership in our organization. Bring a lunch and have a picnic! All are welcome. The CSPWC is holding similar events across Canada.

I am still preparing for my “invited featured artist” exhibition  at Gathered Art Gallery in Sparta during the month of August. I am looking forward to this show. Both the Gallery and the village of Sparta located in the heart of Elgin County are welcoming and a visual treat. “ As you step inside, you’ll be surrounded by a treasure trove of unusual and intriguing items and a rotating selection of works by local artists.”

Finally, I will be part of  a plein air event which precedes a juried exhibition at St. Thomas Elgin Public Art Centre, “Between the Boards”, Field Study to Fine Art. The plein air event will take place August 10, 2024. I will share more information in a later newsletter. The exhibition takes place April 12 to June 7, 2025.

As always, thank you for your ongoing support and interest in me and my work. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please know that I look forward to reading your responses to my newsletter. 
