Susan Garrington


(posted on 13 Apr 2024)

The title of this month’s newsletter is taken from Gordon Lightfoot’s, “Pussywillows Cat-Tails”. Spring’s promise in the garden is everywhere. I walk through our garden welcoming back old friends, perennials who have made it through another winter season, and saying hello to new ones, the bulbs planted with hope last fall who are blooming or are about to soon. I am greeted each morning by two new garden visitors, a pair of crows who holler good morning at me as soon as I come out the door. I reply by cawing back and they answer. I am sure the neighbours believe that I have taken leave of my senses. It is easy to become giddy with hope and pleasure this time of year in the garden. There is so much to look forward to.

Similarly, there is much to look forward to in the world of Art.

I was delighted to be invited to speak to the Port Stanley Artists’ Guild a few days ago. What a wonderful group! Their annual show takes place at the Port Stanley Royal Canadian Legion, 310 George Street on June 6, 7 and 8. A great reason for a lovely drive and perhaps a walk on the beach or lunch or dinner after the show.

I will be attending the Annual General meeting of the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour soon. It takes place in the Arts and Letters Club in Toronto. This year I will be attending electronically. Zoom is such an amazing thing. The guest speaker will be Dr. Catherine M. Martin who will be speaking about Franklin Carmichael and his CSPWC Presidency.

In two days I will be delivering three of my paintings to Grand Bend. They were juried into the Paint Ontario Exhibition. I am honoured to have all three of my submissions juried into the show and very excited to be a part of it. Here is one of the paintings. To see the other two, you will need to go to the show!




Locally, the Brush and Palette Show will take place April 18, 19 and 20. I have 6 pieces in this show.


The Lambeth Art Association Show is in the near future as well. More about that in my next newsletter.

The Gallery Painting Group’s meeting is also coming up soon and I look forward to seeing everyone and learning about this year’s locations.

And last of all, I have been invited to exhibit as the featured artist at the gallery, Gathered, in Sparta during the month of August. I am so very excited and will let you know more as the date approaches.

Thank you for taking the time to read my newsletter. As always I look forward to hearing from you and perhaps seeing you at one of the upcoming shows. Take care and enjoy the promise of Spring.

I am heading off to enjoy the sunshine, our garden and a hot cup of tea.
